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Return Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within two weeks of delivery; items are subject to a 15% restocking fee. We’ll pay the return shipping costs if the return results from our error (you received an incorrect etc.).

We will inspect the knife, and if we find the item has been used, damaged, or carried, we will return the knife to the customer and will not process the refund.

  1. Return the item 100% unused, in new condition, with all original boxes, packaging, paperwork, and labels intact and not crumbled, crushed, written on, or otherwise damaged.
  2. Incur all costs associated with shipping back to us. We do not pay return shipping, and we suggest you ship back to us insured.
  3. Ship items back to us packaged as we sent them to you. If we send the item in a box, we require that it come back to us in a box to preserve the contents.
  4. Include a copy of the original receipt detailing the reason for the return.
    Do not put tape on boxes, write on them or damage them. The product will be rendered unsalable and returned to you if you do.
  5. If you received your item in error, we would pay to ship both ways and make it right with you.

You should expect to receive your refund within 14 business days of giving your package to the return shipper. This period includes the transit time for us to accept your return from the shipper (3 to 7 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (2 to 3 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (2 to 5 business days). However, in many cases, you will receive a refund more quickly.

For custom engraved products, all sales are final. No returns or refunds will be offered unless the text engraved is incorrect or misspelled. See our engraving page for more information.

For orders that are placed with Sezzle or Afterpay, whether you cancel or return the item, there will be a 6% restocking fee so that we can recoup the cost of using the payment service.

Return Shipping to:

House of Blades
6451 NW Loop 820
Fort Worth, Texas 76135

 Phone: (817) 237-7721



The House of Blades does accept exchanges within 30 days of purchase. The product must be unused with all of the original manufacturer’s packaging. A 15% Restocking fee may apply. For more information, please get in touch with us.